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Hosting a Migrant


Hosting a Migrant

Does the integration of migrants affect you? Do you have space at home?

Every day, EVAM welcomes migrant families or single individuals who will likely be able to stay in Switzerland. In order to become independent, they will have to learn French, the habits and customs of the region, develop links with the population and find a job. With this background, migrants will feel more secure and valued. They will adapt more quickly to their new environment and will have better control of their life in Switzerland.

These efforts go firstly through the personal resources of migrants but also through the help that society provides them and in particular through the network that they develop. Living with a family in the canton of Vaud brings them stability, the possibility of communicating in French, of having a space “of their own” and of meeting people who will help them understand current society.

  • You have a habitable and furnished room

  • You are willing to share, under jointly pre-established conditions, your kitchen, your laundry room/washing machine and your bathroom – unless the bedroom has its own bathroom

  • You live within reasonable walking distance of regular public transportation to urban centers

  • You want to share moments with a migrant and discover cohabitation with another culture

Then we would be happy to chat with you! You can contact us by email at:

Following an initial telephone exchange and if you wish to continue the collaboration, a meeting will be organized to visit the accommodation and then EVAM will look for migrants suitable for your accommodation offer. A meeting between the migrant, EVAM and yourself will then be organized to discuss cohabitation, common rules of life and to clarify administrative points.

After consideration by the parties, the agreement between the migrant and yourself is formalized through a subletting agreement or a rental lease and then the move will be planned. Below is an example of a sublease. Furthermore, if you are a tenant of your accommodation, you will be asked for a rental lease.

Rental/sublease contract

Finally, a few days after the start of cohabitation, a follow-up interview is organized by EVAM. Other interviews may take place as needed.

An EVAM employee will be your contact throughout this accommodation, as well as for follow-ups.
Our establishment contributes to the payment of rent, for assisted people, according to a fixed amount taking into account the number of people accommodated and the geographical area. On request, we can take into account the invoices of the civil liability and the surety company.

For more information, you will find frequently asked questions below:

frequently asked Questions

A richly illustrated report, in the 2016 EVAM activity report, is dedicated to the projects Hosting a migrant and A village – a family.

2016 activity report

Some articles about the “Hosting a Migrant” project

Open your doors and your heart – Migros Journal, 02.28.2022

60 years and 6000 km separate them and yet they no longer leave each other – Watson, 12/25/2021

Portrait of families with migrants – Le Temps, 23.12.2021

  1. What is the “Hosting a Migrant” project?

    This project began in October 2015 and aims to accommodate migrants in families (single people, couples, shared accommodation, etc.) residing in the canton of Vaud in order to allow them to improve their level of French, create links and find a safe and warm place. The host family's plan does not need to be very precise and experience shows that placements that work well are those where the expectations of both parties are not excessive.

    This cohabitation is supported by the regional coordinators who monitor the placements throughout their duration.

  2. Does EVAM have criteria for choosing migrants who can be placed with individuals?

    Yes, in order to optimize the integration of placed people, migrants must be:

    1. Either for the benefit of an F or S booklet (provisional admission and Ukraine situation)

    2. Either have an N booklet (asylum applicants, processing of the application in progress) and not be in the Dublin procedure (1st asylum application in a third European country - awaiting return)

    But above all, they must be willing to take this approach.

  3. Is there a lease to sign and what is the duration of the rental?

    Yes, a rental lease is established between the host family who owns or rents the property and the migrant. Unless otherwise noted, it is signed for a minimum period of 6 months. If the migrant is accommodated with tenants, the parties sign a subletting agreement for a minimum period of six months, renewable. The lessor complies with lease law and the instructions of the competent authorities/municipality.

    Depending on the situation in Ukraine this duration could be reduced.

  4. How much money does the migrant receive per month from EVAM?

    The total amount of financial assistance from EVAM is CHF 12.50 per day per person and CHF 9.50 per day per child under 16 years old.

    The assistance standards (art. 126 of the EVAM Assistance Guide) in force are broken down into packages per day and per person. They include food, clothing, hygiene and cleaning products. On the other hand, EVAM does not pay any specific additional compensation, such as for taxed trash bags, telephone subscriptions, internet, cable network, tobacco, leisure activities, etc.

  5. Does EVAM cover transport?

    From the age of 15, migrants are granted a basic subscription covering their place of residence, the reference EVAM branch (Lausanne, Yverdon or Clarens) as well as the nearest hospital. Children aged 6 to 14 are granted an annual Junior card allowing them to travel free of charge when accompanied by a parent holding a valid transport ticket.

    The establishment can also cover, upon substantiated request, other transport costs linked to a medical appointment, employment, training, internship, etc.

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  1. Who pays the rent?

    EVAM covers the rent according to current standards.

    The amount of rent and charges are discussed before signing the lease between EVAM, the migrant and the lessor.

    Following signature, rent and charges are paid directly to the migrant. This pays the rent monthly between the 1st and 10th of each month. The migrant must receive a receipt to certify his payment to EVAM and thus trigger the payment of the next installment of rent.

  2. Does EVAM support Wi-Fi, telenetwork, telephone subscriptions?

    No media subscription is supported by EVAM. These amounts are included in the assistance standards allocated to the applicant or in the fixed charges paid with the rent.

  3. Do migrants have health insurance?

    All migrants have compulsory health insurance (art. 3 LAMal).

    The RESAMI (Migrant Health Network) health insurance card allows you to contact the entire Vaud medical network. When making an appointment, it is important to mention whether a translator is useful. If necessary, the migrant can contact a social worker from EVAM or the Migrant Care Unit (USMi) in their region.

  4. What happens at the end of the lease?

    At the end of the lease, if it is not renewed, EVAM undertakes to relocate the applicants to an apartment or an EVAM collective structure. Furthermore, if the migrants have received a residence permit (B permit) and depend on the Social Center for the Integration of Refugees (CSIR), the latter will be the competent authority to deal with accommodation. In general, the announcement time is one to two months for both parties.

10. Does the host family have to share their bathroom?

It is up to you to define, by mutual agreement with the migrant, the use of the bathroom or the provision of a private bathroom.

11. How does sharing cooking, meals or managing purchases and daily life work?

In an idea of integration, and as far as possible, meals could be taken at the same table. This is not an obligation and the operation must be defined together. These moments of exchange are an opportunity to practice French and acquire a more detailed understanding of society for the migrant. EVAM encourages you to share common hobbies or activities in a spirit of mutual openness.

A contribution for the races, agreed in advance, may be requested from the applicant to the extent of his possibilities according to his monthly financial assistance.

Please note that the flat rate for food paid by EVAM is CHF 8.00 per day and per person. In general, families do not ask for a contribution.

12. What happens if theft is stolen from the migrant or the host family?

For accommodation not provided by the establishment, EVAM covers the actual amount upon request, up to 120.-/year, for liability insurance. The latter, however, only covers damage and damage but not theft. EVAM takes no responsibility in the event of theft.

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  1. Do migrants have the right to work?

    Yes, after 3 months on Swiss soil.

    •   Holders of an F permit (provisionally admitted): the employer must announce the engagement of a migrant to the SPOP through a form.

      The employer undertakes to respect the Collective Labor Agreements (CCT) in force in the field and to declare the person to the various usual services (AVS etc.), including for a few hours of work.

    •  Holder of an N permit (asylum applicant): The employer makes a request to the Employment Service by completing form 1350. He sends the form with the employment contract and a copy of the residence permit of the applicant. The employer cannot hire the applicant before the agreement of the Employment Service.

      The employer undertakes to respect the CCT in force in the field and to declare the applicant to the various usual services (AVS etc.), including for a few hours of work.

    •   The employer must take out accident insurance for the employee.

    •   All employment must be declared to EVAM.

  2. Do migrants take French lessons?

    Yes, French is the basis of integration. At the time of placement in a foster family, some applicants may already be taking French classes. Others will be registered at the appropriate time by their social worker. EVAM covers travel to the training location.

    Furthermore, depending on the number of arrivals, there may be waiting lists.

  3. School monitoring for children

    The EVAM social worker is responsible for announcing the move. The old school transmits the information to the new school. Follow-up is provided by the social worker assigned to the family.

    If the children are not enrolled in school beforehand, the information will be sent to the family for school registration and the EVAM social worker will take care of the follow-up.

  4. Are children of preschool age able to be looked after?

    Yes, as a principle of socialization one year before starting school and depending on availability in daycare, if the single parent or parents benefit from a training, occupation or employment program.

  5. What happens if the migrant's status changes?

    If the migrant obtains a residence permit or asylum, the transition is done in coordination with EVAM and the referring social organization. Once this transition stage has passed, EVAM is no longer the migrant's contact person. Future requests should be addressed to the new reference social worker.

    If the migrant receives a decision refusing his asylum application, project collaborators intervene to explain the situation. From that moment on, the rejected migrant no longer has the right to work and their stay becomes illegal on Swiss territory.


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18. What does migrant monitoring involve?

When the migrant leaves the collective home for individual housing, whether EVAM housing or with a third party, EVAM assigns them, if necessary, a social worker in the reference branch. The migrant can contact him proactively according to his needs and requests.

Furthermore, the collaborators of the “Hosting a Migrant” project are happy to answer questions from the family and the migrant and direct them to the competent people.

Apartments in Lausanne and West Vaud (Lausanne, Morges, Nyon, Crissier, Renens, Gros de Vaud)
Lausanne Sector Antenna
Route de Chavannes 33

1007 Lausanne Tel. 021 557 06 00

Apartments in the North Vaudois (Broye-Vully, Jura -North Vaudois) North Sector Antenna
Avenue Haldimand 11
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

Such. 024 557 21 11

Apartments in Eastern Vaudois (East of Lausanne) Eastern Sector Antenna
Rue du Collège 26
1815 Clarens

Such. 021 557 88 80

19. What if there are communication/intercultural issues?

If recurring problems concerning a cultural or behavioral aspect are noted, EVAM offers mediation and attempts to find the appropriate solution. EVAM has the option of asking a translator to participate in these sessions.

20. Institutional boundaries

EVAM is not the competent authority for decisions on the right to asylum. Its missions are to assist and support its beneficiaries. Legal questions should be directed to the appropriate authorities.

Reference websites

Vaudois migrant reception establishment (EVAM)

Legal Assistance Service for Exiles (SAJE)

State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)

EVAM Support Guide


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